Jisung Kim - 김 지성

Jisung Kim

Organist Jisung Kim is a talented musician. He studied in Seoul, Cologne, Paris, and Wentzille. He started playing piano and Organ, at an very early age, showing already the immense latent power he possessed and which he will develop in later years. Most influencial among his teachers have been Viktor Lukas, Gotthard Geber, Hermann J. Busch, Michel Chapuis and Naji Hakim. He is Graduated from Seoul Theological University and Cologne College of Music, with a major in Church Music, Organ, Piano accompaniment, Improvisation, Composition. He obtained his Konzert-Examen degree with High Distinction by a unanimous consent from the board of examiners at Cologne. He also was a fellow of the most renowned German Bach Foundation. He won many awards in national and international auditions and competitions for his outstanding performances both as organist and pianist. After his debut concert in Europe in 1994 at Cologne Philharmonic hall in Germany, he performed more than 50 concerts every year. As organist, he gives concerts, participates in many international festivals and has made many recordings for the radio and CDs. He has given concerts throughout Europe as well as in Korea, Hongkong, China, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, USA, South America, Africa, and Middle East. He was very favorably commented upon the performance of the complete organ works of Bach, Couperin, Buxtehude, Mozart, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Brahms, Franck, Messiaen as well as upon the outstanding mastery of broad range of repertoire from the works of  the 13th century composers to those of the contemporary musicians. He enjoys working with young people and has pioneered new ways of introducing the organ and its repertoire to children. He is Professor of Organ, Improvisation at Seoul Theological University in Korea.  and is frequently invited to give lectures and master-classes in many universities and to be juror in many Organ Competitions.

오르가니스트 김지성 

대한민국을 대표하는 오르가니스트인 김지성은 유럽전역과 중동, 호주, 아프리카, 아시아, 북남미를 비롯한 세계 61개국에서 연주를 하였다. 5세 때 모친으로부터의 음악교육을 시작으로 13세에 오르간을 시작한 이후 18세에 처음으로 오르간 연주회를 하였고 이후 서울신학대학교에서는 교회음악과 오르간을 공부, 대학 4학년 시절 독일 쾰른 국립음악대학 오르간과에 합격하여 대학졸업과 동시에 Karl Richter와 Marcel Dupre의 제자였던 Viktor Lukas교수에게 오르간을, 즉흥연주, 통주저음, 푸가는 Wolfgang Stockmeier, Gotthard Geber교수에게 오르간 구조학, 오르간문헌, 오르간 교수법은 Hermann J. Busch교수에서 사사 받았으며 한국인으로는 처음으로 심사위원 만장일치로 만점을 받으며 석사과정(Diplom)을 졸업했으며 또한 연주학 박사(Konzert-Examen)과정도 한국인으로는 처음으로 만점을 받으며 졸업했다. 더불어 뛰어난 연주력을 인정받아 쾰른음대 재학시절인 94년 독일 쾰른 필하모니 홀에서 데뷔독주회를 시작으로 전문적인 연주자의 대열에 서게 되었으며 이러한 연주자의 자질을 인정받아 95년 독일 Bach음악재단의 장학금을 수여받게 되었다. 한편, 프랑스 파리국립음악원의 교수인 Michel Chapius에게 고전음악을, Jean Guillou에게 즉흥연주와 음악분석을, Naji Hakim교수에게는 작곡과 음악분석, 즉흥연주, 현대음악을 사사받았으며, 미국의 미드웨스트 대학교에서는 즉흥연주에 대한 논문으로 박사학위를 받았다. 

또한 그의 나이 29세에 12번에 걸친 연주회를 통해 Bach의 오르간전작품 (284곡)을 연주한 이후 2006년에는 영산아트홀 초청으로 3번에 걸친 Mozart오르간 전곡연주, 2007년에는 Buxtehude의 오르간전곡(92곡)을 전국 6개도시에서 순회연주하였으며, 2008년에는 서울신학대학교 교회음악 연구소 초청으로 6번의 독주회를 통하여 Messiaen의 전 작품을 연주하였고, 2009년에는 서울시 문화재단의 후원으로 Handel의 16개 오르간엽주곡을 자신의 지휘와 독주로 연주하였으며 그 외에도 Couperin, Bruhns, Lubeck, Kunau, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Elgar, Franck, Schumann의 오르간전곡을 한국최초로 연주하였다.  

또한 그는 오르간과 발레, 영화와 오르간, 바이올린과 오르간, 무용과 오르간, 오르간듀오, 피아노와 오르간등 다양한 음악적 아이디어를 통해 많은 청중을 오르간음악세계로 끊임없이 인도하고 있다. 또한 그는 세계각지에서 수많은 초연 작품을 연주, 특별히 한국작곡가들의 작품을 알리는데 앞장서고 있으며 더불어 자신이 작곡한 곡과 편곡한곡들이 많은 연주자들에 의해 연주되고 있다. 그리고 즉흥연주자이기도 한 그는 많은 즉흥연주 페스티발에서 연주를 하였는데 특히 독일 Iserlohn국제 오르간 페스티발에서 열린 독주회 에서는 그 교회의 7개의 종의 음을 가지고 즉흥연주를 하여 청중으로부터 기립박수를 받았다. 

그의 연주는 97년 독일 독주회실황음반이 서울음반에서 발매된 이후 4장의 독집음반을 녹음하였으며 영국의 유명한 지휘자인 Paul Spicer와 브리튼과 드보르작의 곡을 녹음하는등 여러 음악가들과 약 20여장의 음반을 녹음하였다. 

그리고 오르간 협연자로서 독일의 쾰른 오케스트라와 일본의 텔레만 오케스트라를 비롯 국내에서는 KBS오케스트라, 서울시향, 부천시향, 인천시향, 코리안 필하모니 오케스트라, 바로크 앙상블등와 협연하였으며 국립합창단. 서울, 부천, 고양, 진주, 부산시립합창단과 협연하였다.

현재 국내외 여러 오르간콩쿨의 심사위원으로 활동하면서 서울신학대학교의 오르간전공교수로 재직하고 있다.