CRISTA MILLER's Recordings Publications Conference Presentations, Papers and Lectures

Crista Miller: “Bonjour & Willkommen: A Franco-German Debut,” Two CDs of 500 years of organ 
repertoire, Acis Productions Label, Sept. 2016.
“From the ‘Triomphe de l’Art Modal’ to The Embrace of Fire: Charles Tournemire’s Gregorian Chant 
Legacy, Received and Refracted by Naji Hakim,” in Mystic Modern: The Music, Thought, and Legacy of 
Charles Tournemire, Stephen Schoelesser and Jennifer Donelson, eds., Church Music Association of America, June 2014.
Book Review: From Postlude to Prelude: Music Ministry’s Other Six Days, Second Edition, by C. Randall Bradley. Pastoral Music, 2017.
“Ein Prisma, zwei parallele Ebenen: Libanesische Einflüsse in Naji Hakims französischen Orgelwerken,” (trans. Tilman Skoroneck), ORGAN – Journal für die Orgel, Dec. 2015.
American Guild of Organists National Convention 2016. Paper: “Charles Tournemire, Eastern Scales and the Organ Music of Naji Hakim,” Houston, June 20, 2016.
Duquesne University and Church Music Association of America, Symposium on L‘Orgue Mystique and 
Charles Tournemire.’ Conference Recital. Pittsburgh, PA, October 2012.
Nova Southeastern University and Church Music Association of America, Symposium on “L’Orgue 
Mystique and Charles Tournemire.” 
Paper: “Triomphe de l’Art Modal’ to The Embrace of Fire: Charles Tournemire’s Gregorian Chant Legacy, 
Received and Refracted by Naji Hakim,” Nova Southeast University, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
Recital: Church of the Epiphany, Miami, FL. January 2012. 
Society for Catholic Liturgy Annual Conference, January 27-29, 2011: Rituale Romanum. 
Lecture: “One Prism, Two Parallel Planes: Lebanese Influences in the Organ Music of Naji Hakim.
Solo Organ Recital: Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, January 29, 2011.
University of North Texas, Wolff Organ Inaugural Conference, Denton, TX, October 22, 2008. 
Lecture, “Exoticism Evolved: Eastern Influences in the French Organ Works of Naji Hakim.”
Panel Discussion, on 20th Century Organ Composition.