Title, Duration, Place, Year, Publisher, Dedicated to, Premiere (performer(s), place, date)
RHAPSODY FOR ORGAN DUO, 10’, Paris, 1992, U.M.P., to Elizabeth and Raymond Chenault, Elizabeth and Raymond Chenault, AGO National Convention, Atlanta, GA, 1992
Rhapsody, for organ duet (1. Allegro molto, 2. Andante sostenuto, 3. Vivace, 4. Andante tranquillo, 5. Maestoso - Allegro molto), uses successively four different popular tunes : an Angelus from Brittany a French Carol O Dieu de Clémence, a Danse de Champagne by Claude Gervaise and an American Folk Hymn, Go tell it on the mountain ; the fifth and last part, Quodlibet, combines the whole thematic material of the piece. Premiered in Atlanta at the 1992 AGO National Convention.
Rhapsody, para duo de órgano (1. Allegro molto, 2. Andante sostenuto, 3. Vivace, 4. Andante tranquillo, 5. Maestoso - Allegro molto), utiliza sucesivamente cuatro melodías populares diferentes: un Ángelus de Bretaña un villancico francés O Dieu de Clémence, una Danza de Champagne de Claude Gervaise y un himno popular estadounidense, Go tell it on the mountain ; la quinta y última parte, Quodlibet, combina todo el material temático de la pieza.