Title, Duration, Place, Year, Publisher, Dedicated to, Premiere (performer(s), place, date)
OUVERTURE LIBANAISE for orchestra (2222/2200, timp, perc, strings), (other versions : 1/ for organ, 2/ for piano), 10', Chatou, 2004, Leduc, - , The Orchestra of Midsummer Opera - Conductor: David Roblou, St. John's Church, Waterloo, London, 15.05.05
This rhapsodic piece is based on several lebanese folkloric tunes (1) and make use of several mid-eastern scales and rhythms. It quotes also in its last pages the lebanese national anthem (Kulluna lilwatan).
Cette pièce rhapsodique est bâtie sur plusieurs thèmes folkloriques libanais (1) et utilise différents rythmes et échelles du moyen-orient. L'hymne national libanais (Koullouna lilwatan) est également cité dans les dernières pages de l'œuvre.
(1) Ya ghzayyel - Tafta Hindi - Aala Daloona - Abdo habib ghandoura - Hala la la layya