Title, Duration, Place, Year, Publisher, Dedicated to, Premiere (performer(s), place, date)
SHASTA for harpsichord or piano, 15', 1986, 1st Edition 1987: Ludwig, 2nd Edition 2014 : Schott, to Dr George Lucktenberg, George Lucktenberg, Carnegie Hall, New York, 03.06.87
This suite is conceived as an imaginary ballet in five movements.
Rondo, Aria, Capriccio, Recitativo and Toccata alternate driving rhythms, percussive effects and expressive harmonic motives, around an obsessional rhythmic cell (long-long-short-long-long). The Toccata recalls in its coda the refrain of the initial Rondo. The work was commissioned by the Alienor Harpsichord Composition Awards and was premiered in June 1987 by George Lucktenberg at the Carnegie Hall in New York.