MISSA BREVIS (Grazer Messe) for SATB choir a cappella

Title, Duration, Place, Year, Publisher, Dedicated to, Premiere (performer(s), place, date)

MISSA BREVIS (Grazer Messe) for SATB choir a cappella, 20', Chatou, 2012, Schott, to Prof. Gunther Rost, Chor des Instituts für Kirchenmusik und Orgel der Kunstuniversität Graz gemeinsam mit der Domkantorei Graz, Domkapellmeister PD Josef M. Doeller, Director, Cathedral of Graz, 05.05.13


In this liturgical composition, the text of the Ordinarium Missae – Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei -, is developped in a tight structure and mostly syllabic style. The melodic contours and harmonic articulations, emphasize through tone paintings, the accents of the Latin word in a constant concern for intelligibility. As the Church has been invited by H.H. Pope Benedictus XVI to celebrate a Year of Faith"Annus Fidei" in 2012-2013, the Credo (Symbolum Apostolorum) has been conceived to represent the climax of the whole mass. 


Naji Hakim : MISSA BREVIS (Grazer Messe), page 1, excerpt from the autograph manuscript