Title, Duration, Place, Year, Publisher, Dedicated to, Premiere (performer(s), place, date)
KAMMERKONCERT No 2, "Kom, lad os gå til Betlehem", for fløjte, klarinet, fagot, harpe, klaver, violin, bratsch og cello, - 1. Velkommen igen, Guds engle små, 2. Dejlig er den himmel blå, 3. Et barn er født i Betlehem -, 10', Chatou, 2011, U.M.P., - , Storstrøms Kammerensemble, Køge Musikskole, 23.11.11
The Kammerkoncert Nr 2 is inspired by Danish Christmas carols and follows the italian concerto form in three movements - fast, slow, fast. The initial allegro is based on Velkommen igen, Guds engle små (Welcome again, God’s small angels) and is developped in a song form. The middle movement, andante, is a set of variations on Dejlig er den himmel blå (Lovely is the blue sky). The finale is a bright and joyful paraphrase of Et barn er født i Betlehem (A child is born in Bethlehem) combining the characteristics of variation form and song form.